Channel: P.E.I. Heritage Buildings
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New London Farmhouse Restored 1992

     This article appeared in the RE*NEW Magazine in the Feb-Mar 1992 issue.  The house was surely destined to be lost when the Shoalts came along and saved it!  It's been 21 years since the restoration and its as good as the day it was built / restored.
 Below is the only image I have on file for this house, taken around 2005.
Here's a link to Google Maps Street View.
     Cummin's 1928 Atlas of Prince Edward Island shows John Coles owning this property with 80 acres.  John Coles was married Cora Bert - at the time they had the following children: Annie, Edith, Archibald, Ethel, Lee and Earl.
     Meacham's 1880 Atlas of Prince Edward Island shows Jno Coles living here with 50 acres of land.

Prince Edward Island houses in The Old House Book

     I was going through The Old House Book by Robin Langley Sommer 1999 and came across these two Island properties on page 35. 
From the book - 
Maritime Charm
...an abandoned farmhouse with shed-roofed dormer on Prince Edward Island (Hazel Grove next to Hunter River) succumbs to the elements, its timber framework buckling under the assaults of wind and weather.  Below is a well-kept working farm on the Island (Springbrook on New London Bay), with a steeply gabled houseroof to shed snow and a gambrel-roofed barn.
 The Old House Book  ISBN 1-55267-967-5

Acadian Bread Oven Workshop - June 8th

Farmers' Bank of Rustico Lunch and Learn 
     A course will be given on how to build an outdoor Acadian Bread Oven by Arnold Smith at the Farmers' Bank of Rustico (2188 Church Road Rustico) on Saturday June 8th starting at 9:00 am.
     The session will feature a hands on demonstration and participation in building a full sized bread oven which will replace the one now existing at the Doucet House. As well, a lunch which will be cooked in the traditional way in the stone fireplace of the Doucet House will be served to participants.
     Admission: $50.00 per person - $80.00 per couple.
     Book your ticket at info@farmersbank.ca or call Theresa Gallant at 963-2997.
* * * * * * * * * *
     Here are a few photos from the "Building an Acadian Bread Oven Workshop" held at Doucet House, Rustico in June 2004 with Jef Ackenbach and Perry Everett of Annapolis Thatching Co-op Inc. from Annapolis, Nova Scotia.  They have conducted considerable research into 17th and 18th-Century Acadian building techniques.
     First you mix sand, brick clay, marsh grass and water and shape them in to cobs, once they have rested for a bit then you can start to shape the bread oven.
The first fire to bake the clay - then its ready to make bread.
We had a great day and learned alot!!
 * * * * * * * * * *
     Below is an excerpt from the Journals of Rev. Robert William Dyer of Kildare/Cascumpeque, P.E.I. on his travel from Kildare to Tignish to see the newly constructed St. Simon St. Jude Cathedral.  The previous two pages were missing from the manuscript and this is where his comments end on the topic of local Acadians.  Rev. Dyers Journals cover a period of 42 years: 1841-1859 in Newfoundland and 1859-1883 in Prince Edward Island
September 10, 1859
“...they are all little farmers, I think; a fine part of the country, fine land and a large portion cleared, but badly cultivated.  One thing we noticed as we passed which seems peculiar to the French, is an oven where they bake their bread, built of mud, on some little framework some distance from the dwelling house.  This is, I should think, a safe, but rather an unhandy usage. We arrived in Tignish about half past 5 o’clock…”
  * * * * * * * * * *
     Below are photos from the Mont Carmel Parish 100th Anniversary Book 1912, showing an Acadian woman with a bread oven.
1812 - 1912
Premier Centennaire
Paroisse de Mont Carmel
Ile du Prince Edouard
Le 20 Aout, 1912

Acadian Bread Oven Workshop Postponed

     The Acadian Bread Oven Workshop, to be held tomorrow, June 8th, has been postponed due a rain storm coming.  
     Stay posted for the new date.

Help Preserve the Paton-Bassett House, Charlottetown

     This story was aired on this mornings CBC Radio's P.E.I. Island Morning program.  Georgina Bassett grew up in this house and now owns it - she is anxious to repair the exterior and is going to crowd sourcing to raise funds.  The house is important to the City's inventory of unique architecture.  Georgina said she's constantly being contacted about the house and often talks to passersby, cruise passengers and tourists who stop to photograph the house.
     I had a tour of the house in 2008 and only took a few photos - see below.
 241 Prince Street, Charlottetown
     Here's the link to the Crowd Funding site - Georgina's message is noted below.
     We are restoring and renovating the exterior of our 126 year old house in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. Can you help?
     So far we've redone the front, back and north side of the brick, replaced the roof, deck and railings. There's still one side left of the outside that needs to be completed.
     The masonry is approaching retirement, he's been a true gem and we really would like to complete the entire restoration of the exterior before he retires for good.
     Any and all help greatly appreciated! 

 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
     Below is information from the book: Charlottetown: The Life in Its Buildings by Irene L.  Rogers Page. 208.  
     241 Prince Street.  (in book cover photo above, this house is 2nd from the right). James Paton was a prosperous merchant and this house, designed by Phillips and Chappell, was rich in detail and material.  The chimney stack on the front facade must be, without doubt, the most decorated one in town.  Besides protruding rows of brickwork, it has a pediment, a row of columns, cut stone quoins, a window, and the best of all, the date 1887.  The flues go up on either side of the narrow window and join at the top.  Even the stone basement on this house is part of the design, repeating as it does stone at the apex of the gable, around Windows, and around the door.  Bricks set on edge are another decorative feature at the plate line and again on a belt course between first and second storeys.  The house is so rich in detail one almost misses the attractive ironwork on the roof of the rounded bay.  A slate roof completes the building.
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The house is listed for sale as well - see the listing and a few photos below...

Former St. Anne's Parochial House moved today in Emyvale

     I just heard on CBC Radio's Mainstreet program that the former Parochial House at St. Anne's Parish in Emyvale was moved today.  It was bought by Jean-Serge Gagnon of Fredericton, N.B. and his wife.  The house was moved 1km to their new lot on the Kingston Road.  
     Buildings cannot be moved on Prince Edward Island during the months of July and August due to the extra tourism traffic.  The weather was too wet to move the house earlier this month - they got it moved just in time!
     The 13-room house was built in 1907, designed by well-known Island Architect William C. Harris.  Below are photos from CBC Radio P.E.I. website.  The rear kitchen wing to the house was built sometime in the 1950's according to the new owner.  
News - Mobile manse
Photos from CBC Prince Edward Island website:
Refer to previous blog post about the house...

"Our Pioneers: ...

...They built better than they knew.”
cf. Wandering Back: History of Dock, HillsRiver, MillRiver, Rosebank
Prince Edward Island

The Deserted House, short story by Adjutor Rivard 1932

by Adjutor Rivard
Canadian Stories in Verse and Prose, 1932
      We children were afraid of it and never ventured near.  And yet the garden gate was open – lying on the ground, indeed, with broken hinges; and no one was there to say you nay.  On the way back from school or church – we were preparing then for our first communion – it would have been pleasant enough to stop half way and rest awhile on the low steps of the deserted house; the more so as plums, cherries, apples and gooseberries ripened in the orchard close by, and self-sown flowers, over-running the walks, fought with the rankly growing weeds for a share of sun and dew.  It was free to anyone; yet we hastened along fearfully, without pausing.
     The house was to us a sepulchre by the roadside.  Planks roughly nailed across door and windows barred up the melancholy abode.  Never a wisp of smoke curled from the stone chimney; never a ray of sunlight fell across the threshold; never a gleam shone through those blinded eyes.  Sightless and deaf, the house seemed indifferent alike to the wide glory of the fields, to the swish and rustle of the wind over the meadows.  Nothing stirred its chill insensibility; no human voice waked an echo within.  Human?  - but had not he night wind borne long-drawn mournful cries to many passerby from out the dead habitation?
     One of us was tearing the boards from a window to look in, but none had the hardihood to venture. There might be something frightful beneath that roof, shadows would be stealing about behind those fastened windows.  Were you eyes to fall on a room draped in black with a coffin and a corpse and candles burning!…In the evening we kept to the far side of the road and turned away our heads; afraid of what we might see.
  If the house did not shelter the ghosts of our childish imagining, walls harboured sad memories, and departed days still were haunting the empty rooms.
     Once the abandoned house was full of life and happiness, - happiness in the laughter of many children and the light-hearted mirth of grandparents; - life made beautiful by the toil that hallows every passing day and builds strong souls.  For a century and more, sons succeeded father s in the possession of these sunny acres which never failed of nourishment for all.  For a century and more, children were born, lived there lives and died in this same house, now forsaken; and of them every one as he made ready for his last journey sent a departing glance of farewell through this window across these same woods and fields.
     But a day fell when the property descended to an heir in whom the ancient spirit dwelt not.  This lover of indolent ways grudged the earth the travail of his hands and sweat of his face, and the earth denied him increase.  Bread was lacking in the house.  In his aliened heart he cursed the soil which yearned only to be fruitful and mourned the barrenness of its untilledfields.  In a vision of easy-won affluence the faithless habitant took the resolve to desert his country.  Selling beasts, furniture, all that pertained to his farm; barring the door and the windows of this home of his people as one nails up a coffin, he went his way.
     And since the house the emigrant’s house has stood closed and empty, as though under a malediction; a place of terror for children, of melancholy to their neighbors, and open wound in the parish.
      Have those who so depart full consciousness that in doing it they meanly quit the post of honour, are recreant to high duty?  Do they lightly imagine that they are leaving behind only four walls and a roof?  In truth they had abandoned and forswear is no less than their native land!  For one, the mountains, for another, the plain.  But whether on hillside or in hollow, here lies the parish in which their ancestor’s quiet lives slipped by, the church where they bent the knee, the earth that guards their bones; the farm which throve by dint of their harsh incessant toil; the precious store of household tradition, the wholesome fireside ways; worship of the past and reverence for its memories; nay, it may be, the very speech of their fathers and the faith itself that sustained them.  This, all rich inheritance do they toss away; and their own country thrown with careless hand into the barter!
      And yet I beseech thee, O Mother Earth, set not they curse upon those who have gone, for all are not so thankless.  If some have denied and forgotten thee in the smoke and din of cities, know that hard fate alone has driven many forth, and that in remoteness they keep faith with thee, dream of thee still, love thee before the land of their sojourning.  O Mother Earth, be mindful of them under whatsoever skies they larbour, for they are yet thy children.  They keep alive their country’s soul in strange lands, and practice the lessons thou has taught them in youth.
      Await them hopefully, kind Mother.  Tender and merciful, give them welcome on the day when exile passes their enduring and fate permits them to return.  Border the way with brightest flowers, shed abroad a warmer light, deck thyself in freshest loveliest green to greet their homecoming.  Yield thy broad bosom to the plough-shares of thy returning sons, O fruitful Mother; take to they furrows the seed flung by their scarred hands; joyously send up the tall heavy-headed wheat; let the grass spring lush in the meadows and the woods be filled with pleasant sounds; waft through all the opened windows of the re-awakened house the fragrant breath of new-mown hay!
Above Photo: House in Monticello, Prince Edward Island

Cross Rivers School, Grand River - 1951

     I don't usually bring things over from Historic PEI on Facebook as there are no sources given, however, here's one with a source.
from Helen MacKinnon,, Cross Rivers School, Grand River P.E.I.
     At Cross Rivers, 1951, school closed in 1972 with amalgamation, students then went to Miscouche High, ,later to three Oaks, Summerside.
     back: Owen MacDonald, Rob MacDonald, Florence MacKinnon, Lillian Praught, Geraldine MacKinnon, Shirley MacDonald, Mary MacDonald, teacher, Kay Johnston.
     middle: Edward MacDonald, Audrey MacKinnon, Carol Ann Arsenault, Phyllis Curley, Mary MacKinnon, Rita MacKinnon, Lorraine Arsenault, Connie Praught, Horace Thompson, Lorne Arsenault, Eric Arsenault, Leonard Praught,
     front: Claude MacKinnon, Ozzie MacKinnon, Vernon MacDonald, Don MacKinnon, Nancy Ramsay, Diane Arsenault, Sheila MacLellan, Leonard MacDonald, Ron MacKinnon, Gordon Praught, David Cameron, James Praught, Earl MacKinnon.

City trying to protect home of former PEI premier, federal MP


Photo cf. www.city.charlottetown.pe.ca
Published June 29, 2013
Guardian Newspaper website: www.theguardian.pe.ca
by Dave Stewart  dstewart@theguardian.pe.ca
     Charlottetown's planning board is looking to give the home of former P.E.I. Premier Donald Farquharson heritage status.
     Farquharson was premier of P.E.I. from 1899-1901 and was later a federal MP.
The home in question is located at 77 Upper Prince Street and is currently the subject of a rezoning request.
     Chances Family Centre is proposing to buy the large residential property and use it as their administration offices.  They are asking the city to rezone the property to institutional.
As in the case with rezoning proposals in the capital city, a public meeting must be held to discuss it.  That happened on Wednesday night.
     Coun. Rob Lantz, chair of the planning board, said there was a lot of support for the Chances organization and the work they do for families in the community but there was also some concern with the rezoning and the effect on traffic and the residential atmosphere of the street.  'Many people indicated support if the property could be  rezoned conditional on it returning to a residential zone after Chances vacates or sells the property," Lantz said.  "Unfortunately, the provincial Planning Act does not allow the city to do conditional or contract rezoning that would be required for such an arrangement."
     However, Lantz noted that the property itself has significant historical and architecture value.  "It is a beautiful second empire, mansard style home previously owned by Donald Farquaharson."
     Planning board has agreed to consider the rezoning only if the property was also given heritage status to protect the building.
     The board will consider the public feedback before issuing a recommendation to city council for its July 8 public meeting at City Hall.  dstewart@theguardian.pe.ca
Photo cf. www.city.charlottetown.pe.ca
Photo cf. Remax website

New Museum preserves Bedeque History

The Bedeque museum contains about 3,000 artifacts donated by a local historian.
cf. CBC P.E.I. website:

Posted: Jul 2, 2013 2:12 PM AT 

The Bedeque Area Historical Museum celebrated its official opening on Canada Day.
The Bedeque Area Historical Society has been preparing for the event for two years, collecting artifacts with historical importance to the area, and renovating The William Callbeck Centre in Central Bedeque.
"The history of this area was beginning to be lost," said society member Sharon Leighton.
"The older generation were dying off, the people who could remember what it was like. And the young people had no way of knowing what life was like for their ancestors, so they wanted to preserve it."
The William Callbeck Centre was home to the Callbeck tailor shop and general store, which opened in 1899 and closed more than 20 years ago.
The museum includes about 3,000 artifacts donated by local historian, Howard Clark. It will be open during the summer months, and by appointment the rest of the year.

See also blog posting re: article from last summer on the announcement -
The old Callbeck's store will soon be a museum.
The old Callbeck's store - Bedeque Area Historical Museum (CBC)

Reid Farm, Hope River

     The first three photos here are of the Reid Farm, taken on April 21, 2003.  The property is located on a ninety-degree turn at 257 Reid Road in Hope River.  The house was sold around 2005 - a while later the large barn was burned by a control burn by the local fire department.
     The farmland down by the river has been divided in to 24 +/- cottage lots on the water - so far there hasn't been any construction.
     Meacham's 1880 Atlas of Prince Edward Island shows this property being owned by Simon Delaney with 43-acres which went down to Hope River.  In Cumin's 1928 Atlas of Prince Edward Island it shows Walter Reid with 93-acres here.  The adjacent 50-acre property to the east, owned by Jno. Fleming in 1880, was amalgamated into the Reid property.
     Meacham's 1880 Atlas also shows the property to the west of this farm was owned by John Dickieson with 145-acres down to Hope River as well - near the shore was a lime kiln.  Today this would have been located across the water from Fisherman's Catch at Bayview Bridge.
Below:  The barn was very large, built in a T-shape with gambrel roof.  
The below photos were taken prior to 2003 using manual/print photography.
      Note the ramp up into the loft - this is the south side of the barn.  The animals would have been housed in the lower part of the barn, below the loft.

Barn, Fort Augustus

     Here's a very old barn with some unique interior construction techniques.   Often you'd find hewn beams and posts - this barn has mostly logs and half logs.
     I visited here on May 22, 1997 to plan a new house for the property.  
Above: southeast corner of the barn.  Below: east end.
     I did a quick sketch of the main floor plan.  Like most old barns, it's divided into four or five sections.  Here's there's five sections - from left/west to right/east = 1) calf pins; 2) cow stable with stone floor under cow; 3) barn floor (this is what we called this area in our farm - its where they bring in the hay through big doors to lift the hay into loft); 4) horse stable; 5) pig pins.
    The cow stable had vertical posts/stanchions to keep the cows in place when in the stable.  See photo below.

Shipbuilding in the Bedeque Bay Area - an illustrated talk

Historical Talk on ‘Shipbuilding in the BedequeBay area 1800-1880’
The barque Josephine  577 tons
Built at Summerside by John LeFurgey in 1875.
Owned by John LeFurgey and Joseph Read of Summerside.
     Dr. Doug Sobey, a Research Associate of the Institute of Island Studies at UPEI, will give a fully illustrated talk on ‘Shipbuilding in the BedequeBay area (including Summerside) from 1800 to 1880’. 
     He will be especially linking the industry to the timber resources of the area and incorporating his recent research into the survey reports of the Lloyd’s Register of British and Foreign Shipping. Lloyd’s Register (not to be confused with Lloyd’s Bank or Lloyd’s Insurance) still exists as a business (it celebrated its 250th anniversary in 2012) and has kept all of the original survey reports of the vessels they inspected, including several thousand Island-built vessels dating from between 1816 and 1880. In fact between 1856 and 1885 there was a Lloyd’s surveyor based at Charlottetown who visited and surveyed ships built all over the Island at three different stages during their construction.
     Sobey spent several weeks at the library of Lloyd’s Register in London, England as well as in the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich, examining the original reports for vessels such as the barque Josephine (shown above) built in Summerside in 1875 by John LeFurgey, and he especially noted the different woods that went into each part of a sample of Island-built ships. He says that given a Lloyd’s report for a ship it would be possible to make a replica of the same dimensions and timbers – the reports are that detailed. 
      In his talk Sobey will concentrate on the ships built in the BedequeBay area between 1800 and 1880 and he will be considering the timber resources that were available in the watersheds of the Wilmot and DunkRivers, as well as in areas to the west, which is another area of his research.
     The talk is sponsored by theBedeque Area Historical Society, and will take place on Monday July 22 at 7 pm in the BedequeUnitedChurch.  The Society’s AGM will take place after the talk, and all are welcome to stay on for the meeting if they wish.  Admission is free.

Bloomfield Presbyterian-United Church 1883-1969

     I dropped in to the Windmill Craft's Cooperative on Saturday afternoon in Woodstock on the Western Road (Rte. 2) just north of O'Leary corner.  They have a used books section where I found a few local books I didn't have.  
     One of those books is the History of the Bloomfield Presbyterian-United Church written around 1975 - see a few scans below.  
     There were many local history books published on the Island in the early 1970's as 1973 was the 100th anniversary of Prince Edward Island joining Canada.   I believe at the time there was a movement by the Women's Institute and P.E.I. government to document these histories.  Most of these books were published in small runs and today are rare finds. I've been collecting them for years and have a good collection.
...click to enlarge images...
Quote on inside of front cover -
      "A wise nation preserves its records, decorates the graves of its illustrious dead; repairs the great public structures; and fosters national pride and love of country - by perpetual references to the sacrifices and glories of the past." - Joseph Howe.
Quote on inside of back cover -
      "History is a fabric woven by mankind on the loom of time.  Its designs vary with the years - now dark, now bright, now bold, now seemingly insignificant.  Somehow we must seek the pattern as it was meant to be, and help make it a thing of beauty and strength. - Eater Baldwin York. 

Cavendish Homesteads

     I saw this quote on a tourism board recently - written by world-famous Prince Edward Island author of Anne of Green Gables, Lucy Maud Montgomery.

     "Cavendish is a narrow farming settlement...fronting on the gulf of st lawrence .  It is about three miles long and one wide. The narrow homestead farms front on the gulf and on each one is a house."
cf.  My Dear M.  November 9, 1904
- L.M. Montgomery 
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
     Another well-known poem by Montgomery is "Peace"...

     Peace!  You never know what peace is until you walk on the shore or in the fields or along the winding red roads of Abegweit (M'kmag name for Prince Edward Island) on a summer twilight when the dew is falling and the old, old stars are peeping out and the sea keeps its nightly tryst with the little land it loves.  You find your sole then.  You realize that youth is not a vanished thing but something that dwells forever in the heart.  And you look around on the dimming landscape of haunting hill and long white-sand beach and murmuring ocean, on homestead lights and the old fields till by dead and gone generations who loved them....even if you are not Abegweit born, you will say "Why, I have come home."
-L.M. Montgomery

Wilkinson's Store for Sale, Springfield West

     I see the old Wilkinson's General Store is still for sale.  It's located in rural Prince Edward Island on the west end of the O'Leary Road in the community of Springfield West.
     The following photos are from the real estate website - they're a bit fuzzy.  
Description: 3000'sq ft Country convenience store that serves as a contributing asset to many agricultural communities surrounding Springfield West and area. Built in 1912 this stores provides grocery, medicinal, household items, lottery, hardware items for its many regular and loyal customers. Building features a spacious apartment with it's own private entrance that has tenants. A large upstairs bedroom with a very spacious entertainment room, downstairs features entry, kitchen and dining area. Fridge and stove are included. An unfinished upstairs loft that has an extra 1800 sq ft potential for two other apartments. Stock is not included but certainly can be at a negotiable price. 200 amp service. Oil tank is replaced 8 yrs ago, includes water softener. Easily heated by a forced air oil furnace and estimated cost just under $2000 per annual. Full unfinished basement. Situated on 2 acres of land. 17x26 garage with a mechanics pit may be used for your own vehicle repairs, workshop etc.
 Note the patterned wood ceiling.
The following are photos I took of the store in July 2012.
     My great-grandmother Lucy (Milligan) MacNevin use to tell us about coming here in the fall, about a 7 mile trip from Milo, to get their winter's supply of dry good, flour, sugar, molasses, etc. - that would have been in the 1920's and 30's.
     I can't find much about the history of Mr. Wilkinson and his store, however, I know that upon his death he left a large estate - sometime in the 1950's.  He left a scholarship for young women from the West Prince area who were training at the Island's Nursing School - I had friends in the mid-1980's who benefited from this scholarship.

United Empire Loyalists in Bedeque

     Two sides of my family's history have United Empire Loyalists (UEL) who came up from the New England states of America to find refuge in British North American, who eventually came to Prince Edward Island to take up farming in the Bedeque area.
     I was at the Canadian Potato Museum in O'Leary recently and came across the book about the Hooper family of Bedeque - I had to have it.  Within its pages I found miscellaneous references to my own family which I have extracted here, information that describes early churches they were involved with...

Page 98 - Bradshaw reference
...the site of the first Baptist church is covered with graves of its early membership.  The first church, built it is believed in 1826, stood in the middle of the present Baptist cemetery. In bedeque's early history, Isaac Bradshaw was to the Baptist church what Nathaniel Wright was to the Methodist. Coming to Bedeque from Sackville, New Brunswick in 1805 with his wife Sybil Emerson (theireldest daughter Hannah married George Jeffery in 1821), he settled on a farm at central Bedeque.  His pleasant home built on the hill overlooking the creek which for many years carried his surname, was the headquarters of the Regular Baptist church on the island, with Mr. Bradshaw serving very effectively as local preacher in Bedeque and Tryon,..the church when organized in 1826 had a membership of twenty-eight with Isaac Bradshaw the first deacon, 

Page 99 - Silliker reference
...Methodism was making considerable progress, and in 1816 Rev. John Hick took steps toward the erection of a chapel....the church was completed in 1818 on a part of that plot of ground which forms the cemetery [ in lower Bedeque ]. The land being donated by Joseph Silliker (brother of Strang Silliker, uncle to Strang’s sons John & Joseph who moved west to Knutsford, cutting the O’Leary Road out of the wilderness - John Silliker donated land and lumber for Knutsford Methodist church – presently at Canadian Potato Museum, O’Leary). [The reader will recall that he owned the farm on which the Lower Bedeque cemetery is located. On either side of this farm was the property of  Major Hooper and Thomas Hooper.] The location was near the shore for practical reason that travel was largely by water, there being no roads, only trails.  The building was 30 feet by 40 feet with gothic windows, gallery and porch.  The first trustee board of this Wesleyan property consisted of Nathaniel Wright Sr., Nathaniel Wright Jr., Stephen Wright Sr., Stephen Wright Jr., Elisha Hooper, Joseph Wood, and Jesse Strang Sr.

Comes from....

A United Empire Loyalist Family: The Life and Times of Thomas Hooper
of Bedeque Prince Edward Island, Canada and his Descendants, 1734-2004.
by Nancy E. Neal.
Published by Nancy E. Neal in association with Crescent Isle Publishing. 2006.
ISBN 0-9691824-8-1

Bonshaw Community Hall must move for highway - CBC PEI

     This item was on the local CBC radio news this morning.  The hall was originally a church, built in 1865 - it became a United Church in 1925; then closed in the 1990's and used as an antique shop - today it's a community hall.

Posted: Jul 31, 2013 11:59 AM AT 

The community hall in Bonshaw was built at that location more than 150 years ago, but now has to move for the Trans-Canada Highway.Preservation recommended for unused highway lands.                                                       Transportation officials say the historic Bonshaw Hall has to be moved, just a bit, as part of the Trans-Canada Highway re-alignment in the area.  The hall was built on that location, next to the bridge over the West River, more than 150 years ago. The bridge, which is currently being expanded, marks the end of the highway re-alignment just west of Charlottetown, and transportation officials are concerned about where it's sitting.  "When we looked at the alignment of the Green Road and the Hall and the post office we had some issues," said provincial chief engineer Stephen Yeo.  "We're going to straighten the alignment on the Green Road and we are trying to provide more of a set back away from the stop sign to improve safety for the public use."  The extent of the move hasn't been decided yet. It could be just a few meters, or it could be moved on to adjoining land.  But some in the community say they haven't been consulted, and they have a list of demands they want met before the old building is re-located.  Sheldon MacNevin, vice president of the Bonshaw Hall Co-op, said he wasn't pleased that he had to hear through the grapevine that the building will be moved. MacNevin said the community should have been consulted, and there are things he wants done as part of the move.  "We want to have the foundation and septic system in and we would have to have a new well dug," he said.  "We'd like to have a guarantee that they can do this within a week or so."  The move won't take place until next year. Yeo said the province will meet with residents this fall to hear their concerns.

Glen Road, Eastern Prince Edward Island


Glen Road - Location: Glencorradale

     This rich, red clay passage wanders through a bright green "glen" where wonderful woodland and pastoral farmland greet the traveller. Just off this road on the eastern end is a large American elm believed to be the largest tree on PEI.  It is reputed to be so big that two men cannot reach each other's hands around its base. This was once a prosperous farming community with a mill and two blacksmith shops. Fine horses and driving wagons were status symbols the residents proudly displayed along this route. 
     Today activity in the area centres around a shingle mill and farming. Stories of fairies abounded (and still linger) in the area, and children would quietly await the appearance of these magical creatures. Nellie MacPhee, a lifelong resident, is well remembered for her fortune-telling abilities. Clinging to her beloved homestead to the end, she was the last person to live in "the Glen". Location: Northeast of Souris, this road is the section of Rte. 303 that runs west from the Baltic Road (Rte. 302, through Glencorradale or "the Glen" as it is known locally, to the New Harmony Road.
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