Alberton house soon to be demolished
Hunter River Royal Bank
Above: Charlie Goodwin and Staff with the bank's dog. 1974
Former Hunter River Royal Bank - Photos taken January 12, 2008
Owners of the Royal Bank Building:
The Royal Bank of Canada came to Hunter River in September 1913 and operated from the house of Hedley Spence until this new building was constructed and opened in 1918.
The Royal Bank operated at this location from 1918 to 1976.
The bank manager had an apartment upstairs. The last bank manager to live here was Charlie Goodwin who kept his horses in the backyard.
The present Royal Bank of Canada opened across the street in 1976. The new bank was built on the property of Percy & George Boyle. The old Royal Bank building was traded for the land where the new bank sits.
The building was rented as a commercial space housing a craft shop, etc.
Bob Storey, Realtor purchased the property and rented it as a Constituency office to Mel Gass.
Catherine Calbeck purchased the property and used it as a parliamentary constituency office.
Ewen Taylor, the local pharmacist who was renting space next door from the Noye’s, moved the pharmacy to the old bank in 1988. He rented it for three years then purchased the building in 1991. In 2006 the pharmacy moved across the street to the new medical centre.
In the fall of 2006 Mr. Taylor sold it to be used as a private residence.
Information comes from interviews as well as from the “History of Hunter River 1767-1967” by Hunter River Women’s Institute. Page 32: The Royal Bank of Canada.
Well known heritage activist Mark Gallant of North Rustico gave this new bank it's title, "Bungalow Bank" - he was outraged that they tour down historic buildings, including Cardinal McGuigan's birthplace, to make way for this sleek new modern bungalow bank!
Senator Montgomery House gets new life
Further to my post of August 21, 2012 when news was circulating of the sale and uncertain future of the Senator Donald Montgomery House (grandfather of L.M. Montgomery) - today's Journal Pioneer tells the story of his great-great-grandson Paul Montgomery plans to turn the house into a Bed & Breakfast.
Here's my previous post...
Here's my previous post...
Here's today's post on the Journal Pioneer website...
Montgomery descendant restoring house that inspired Anne’s Ingleside
© Nancy MacPhee/Journal Pioneer. April 14, 2016
Paul Montgomery stands outside what was the home of his great great-grandfather, Senator Donald Montgomery, who was also the grandfather to acclaimed author L.M. Montgomery. Paul and his wife, Michelle, are restoring the home, the inspiration for Anne Shirley’s marital house, Ingleside, into a bed and breakfast and country inn.
Now, the three-storey 19th Century wooden-clad home is under renovation, its doors to open later this year to visitors and fans of Lucy Maud Montgomery. It served as a setting in her books “Anne’s House of Dreams”, “Anne of Ingleside”, “Rainbow Valley’, and “Rilla of Ingleside.” Paul Montgomery and his wife, Michele, are renovating the home build by his great-great-grandfather, Senator Donald Montgomery, also Lucy Maud’s grandfather. They purchased the ancestral home in 2014. “It was in quite a state of disrepair,” admitted Paul. “We’ve put a new foundation in, stripped walls down right to the bare studs.” The famous author, his “first cousin twice removed,” spent a great deal of time at the home and drew inspiration from within its walls. It was on the dining room mantle, now stored until work is complete, that Gog and Magog, those green-spotted China dogs L.M. first wrote about in “Anne of the Island,” sat, peering down at guests during Sunday dinners. Paul said the home, situated near the Lake of Shining Waters in Park Corner, was considered grand in its day, taking three to four years to construct. Over the kitchen and dining room are three bedrooms that were the servants’ quarters when the senator resided in the home. The serving window, where, after Donald rang his bell, food was passed from the kitchen to the dining room, still remains and will be preserved. The home has been passed along through the family, bought and sold several times, but always staying with a Montgomery. In the 1970s it was operated as a tourist home by Paul’s grandmother. In the 1980s and ‘90s, his father, Robert, acquired the ancestral home. It was operated as Montgomery Tourist Home then Montgomery Manor with its last incarnation being the Lucy Maud Montgomery Heritage Museum. “We are going to operate it as a heritage bed and breakfast, country inn and the name of the property, when we finish, will be the Montgomery Inn at Ingleside,” said Paul. “It has been a huge undertaking.” He is amazed by the home’s structure, and how well it has stood the test of time. “Where ever there is a window there are actual six-by-six (inch) posts that go from the foundation right up to the attic,” added Paul. “When we redid the roof last year, there were boards that were 24-inches wide, hand-hewn boards.” At first glance as one walks into the door, it’s obvious a lot of work has to be done. There are holes in some walls and Gryproc replacing others. Decades, if not century-old, wallpaper — if it can’t be salvaged — must to be stripped.
Unique features, like hand-painted scrolling on wooden doors, will be preserved, and a mindful eye — and hands — used to ensure the home’s integrity maintained. Paul is confident the work will be complete by for August. He has been posting progress updates on social media. The project is “a labour of love,” one aimed at sharing his family’s history. “Preserving the history of the site is our main goal.”
Leards Mill must be torn down...headline reads
Simply...sad and stupid!
RFP issued for new addition to house Leards Mill artefacts
The wheels are in motion to destroy Leards Mill. ...RFP for design of new facility went out yesterday...they are wasting no time to rid of our island of the last intact grist mill.
Is this because the Donators of the mill are away with major family sickness? That's what local folks are saying!!
Is this because the Donators of the mill are away with major family sickness? That's what local folks are saying!!
Above..my photo Fall 2014
Above...from Scott Smith's book
Above...from the History of the Brae
Yeo's Mills, Bloomfield
With all the talk of mills these days and possibly loosing Leard's Mill at Coleman (the last intact grist mill left on the Island) - I was curious to know more about the mill stones at the entrance to the Bloomfield Provincial Park on the Western Road. So, I drove in the other day to photograph the three mill stones found there.
These stone are always used in pairs and likely came from France as were the stones at Leard's Mill. I'm not sure if these stones belong to this site as in Meacham's 1880 Atlas of PEI it notes a saw mill here owned by John Yeo with 135 acres surrounding the mill pond. In Cumins 1928 Atlas of PEI it shows John Hopgood owning this 135 acre property.
It's amazing the things we/I don't know about our local history - this park was originally named Vanier Park. Note the following info. Geographical Place Names of P.E.I. by Alan Rayburn, Page 126...
"Vanier Park: Provincial park at Mill River, Lot 5. Named for Governor General Georges Vanier. Also commonly called Bloomfield Park."
*Rev. R.W. Dyer mentions Yeo's Mill (as well as Gorrell’s, Clark’s, Haywood’s,
**I also found this information about the Gorrill/Gorrell milling family.
These stone are always used in pairs and likely came from France as were the stones at Leard's Mill. I'm not sure if these stones belong to this site as in Meacham's 1880 Atlas of PEI it notes a saw mill here owned by John Yeo with 135 acres surrounding the mill pond. In Cumins 1928 Atlas of PEI it shows John Hopgood owning this 135 acre property.
It's amazing the things we/I don't know about our local history - this park was originally named Vanier Park. Note the following info. Geographical Place Names of P.E.I. by Alan Rayburn, Page 126...
"Vanier Park: Provincial park at Mill River, Lot 5. Named for Governor General Georges Vanier. Also commonly called Bloomfield Park."
Above: mill stone south flanking driveway.
Above: mill stone north flanking driveway.
Above/Below: this stone is within the park /close-up of stone's center.
*Rev. R.W. Dyer mentions Yeo's Mill (as well as Gorrell’s, Clark’s, Haywood’s,
Mr. Will’s, Gordon’s, Hunter Dunbar’s, and Lot 6 Mills) often in his 1859-1886 Journals.
Below are a few excerpts from his journals.
February 27, 1865 - Went to Yeo's Mills to see Mr. and Mrs. Gorrell. Found Mrs. G. somewhat better; she had been very ill for some time, I was glad to find her better. I stayed with them all day, talked with them about Church matters and after dinner we had prayers. I returned home in the evening by the ice ‑ the same way which I went in the morning.
August 13, 1867 - Had the prayer meeting in our own house this evening. Mr. and Mrs. Weeks present, had a nice prayer meeting. I hope that it will continue to be well attended. The Lord bless us. Went to Yeo's Mills today, in company with G. Horton. Called at Hunter Dunbar's Mill; the foreman will cut the beams for the church. Brought home from Yeo's Mills, 6500 laths.
March 20, 1872 - Sewing circle day. I started for Bloomfield about noon, went up the ice from Doctor Stewart's to Yeo's Mills, found it terribly cold; I was glad to arrive at Mr. Gorrell's. Had a good warm‑up, looked about a little, had tea and then prepared to go to the schoolroom for the Service. We all went on the woodsled. Had a nice assembly, preached from the words: "When the son of man shall come in his glory..." and then returned to Mr. Gorrell's to sleep. Thank God for this day.
March 19, 1873 - Started for Lot 6, - Mrs. Dyer went with me. Called to see Mrs. Rankin, found her a little better and then went on to see Mr. and Mrs. Gorrell at Lot 6 Mills: they have left Yeo’s Mill at last. Mr. Robert Ellis is gone there. Stayed at Mr. Gorrell’s to dinner and then went on to Mr. Webb’s; arrived in good time. They were expecting Mrs. Dyer.
April 5, 1877 - Roads and ice too bad to go to the village. It is raining too this evening. Had a party of the young folks, the singers who I think enjoyed themselves. About 11 o’clock this night Mr. Wiggins’. Steam Mill (?) caught fire and was burnt to the ground in about an hour. Loss estimated about 10 or 11, 000 dollars. Oh it is a sad matter. I am sorry for them and for the whole community.
**I also found this information about the Gorrill/Gorrell milling family.
John1 Gorrill, the third child and second son of JohnA Gorrill and Sarah Brooke, was baptized at Bradworthy, North Devon, 24 October 1824, according to the parish register of St. John Church. He was born 25 September of that year, according to this fact given to the 1901 census taker. His father, a cordwainer, and mother, Sarah Brooke, moved to Kilkhampton, in the northern neck of Cornwall, with him and his older brother and sister, William and Catherine. In about 1845 he emigrated with his brothers William and Richard to Prince Edward Island. Humphrey came five years later. John became a shipyards worker and then a sawmill operator at Bideford and Port Hill. In the 1860’s he operated a circular sawmill at Bloomfield (Vanier Park) and then a water mill for John Yeo at Cascumpec, a combined saw and grist mill. This was a time when a farm had to be hacked and stumped from the virgin forest. The Meacham Atlas of 1880 shows John Gorrill owning about 130 acres in Cascumpec, Lot 6. Two years later John had to pay a school tax of $6.61 cents on his 270 acres. John died 20 October 1906. John married Eleanor F. Ellis, known as Zena, born 28 July 1840, daughter of George Ellis and Bridget MacArthur and granddaughter of William Ellis the pioneer shipbuilder. They are buried in the cemetery of St. Luke's Anglican Church, Woodstock, PEI (Lot 6 Centre 3 Stone 4).
John1 (JohnA) Gorrill and his wife Eleanor ‘Zena’ Ellis had seven children:
I. Eleanor (‘Ellie’) Ellis2 Gorrill, born 28 July1860(?), baptized 17 Feb. 1860
II. Sarah Catherine Annie2 Gorrill, born 10 October 1862, baptized 7 Nov. 1862
III. Isabella Priscilla Ida2 Gorrill, born 24 December 1865, baptized 22 Feb. 1866
IV. Maria Lilla Normandy2 Gorrill, born at Yeo’s Mills, Western Road, Lot 5 on 1 February 1868, baptized 27 Feb. 1868
V. Elizabeth Lavinia (‘Rose’)2 Gorrill, born 7 February 1870, bp. 24 Mar. 1870
VI. John Yeo Serjeant2 Gorrill, born 27 October, 1872, baptized 1 Nov. 1872
VII. George Richard Walter2 Gorrill, born 17 August 1875, baptized 12 Sept. 1875
All baptized by the Rev. R. W. Dyer at St. Peter’s Anglican Church, Alberton
cf. The Descendants of John Gorrill 1824-1906 of Cascumpec
Johnstone Mill, Long River - long since gone
I just saw this image on Earles Picture Restoration Facebook page of the Long River Mill when it was called Ye Olde Mill Museum. When I knew this building in the late 1980s it was unused and becoming derilict - it was demolished in the late 1990s I believe.
Arnold Smith said his grandmother May (MacLeod) Smith, of Pleasant Valley, said their family took wool here to be carded.
The following comes from the website www.janedyment.ca
Arnold Smith said his grandmother May (MacLeod) Smith, of Pleasant Valley, said their family took wool here to be carded.
The following comes from the website www.janedyment.ca
Cape Traverse Church & Ice Boat Memorial
I was up this way recently and took these photos of the Cape Traverse United Church and the Ice Boat Memorial across the road. I always find it strange why the websites of the United Church on Prince Edward Island generally don't tell their history. Anyhow, this church plaque states it was dedicated in 1890 - likely as a Presbyterian Church.
Across the road is the Ice Boat Monument - I was last here in 1974 on a school class trip!
Here's the monument to the "Ice Boat Service" to Prince Edward Island - the boat has been removed.
Here is a plaque located under a tree to the right of the memorial dedicated to the "First Submarine Telegraph Cable" to Prince Edward Island.![]()
Across the road is the Ice Boat Monument - I was last here in 1974 on a school class trip!
Here's the monument to the "Ice Boat Service" to Prince Edward Island - the boat has been removed.
Here is a plaque located under a tree to the right of the memorial dedicated to the "First Submarine Telegraph Cable" to Prince Edward Island.

I just found this photo and note on the Journal Pioneer's website from September 16, 2015 by Colin MacLean.

Prince Edward Island’s monument to the ice boat service got some tender loving care this week. Crews working on the historic site, which is on Route 10 in Cape Traverse, said that the structure had been sinking slightly and they were in the process of righting it and installing braces.
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Here's an image of how it originally looked from www.flickriver.com by NoWin.
Corpus Christi Church, Glenwood / MacNevin House, Brae
I was out for a drive last week with my 97-year-old grandmother Empress MacNevin-McDowell and parents. We drove through Milo and surrounding communities where she grew up.
Here's a photo of the little catholic mission church on a side road in Glenwood ( between the Milo and West Point ). I'd never been here before.
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Here's a photo of the little catholic mission church on a side road in Glenwood ( between the Milo and West Point ). I'd never been here before.
The following information comes from Historic Places website...
The church is valued for its Gothic Revival design elements, for its association with the early Roman Catholic settlers of Glenwood, and for its contribution to the heritage character of the area. Parishioners originally worshipped in the local homes of "Big Philip" Stewart in West Point and Neil MacIsaac in Glenwood. The closest churches were located at Brae and Tignish. By the early 20th century, parishioners began raising funds through community picnics and other means to construct a new church in Glenwood. It would serve the spiritual needs of parishioners from the communities of Hebron, Milburn, Glenwood, Dunblane, West Point, Brae, O'Leary, and West Cape. By 1902, land was secured and the foundation and body of the current building was constructed by John MacIsaac. Other parishioners who assisted in the project included: Nicholas Bulger, David Stewart, Steve Stewart, Jim Stewart, Philip A. Stewart, Alexander Stewart, and James MacIsaac. The church was completed in 1905 and by 1913 was dedicated as "Corpus Christi" to serve as a mission church in the area. The interior of the church was completed in the 1930s by John Noble Ladner with the assistance of Harry Stewart among others. Over the years, the church has had several improvements including the addition of electric lights and improved heating. Several stained glass windows have been added in memory of former parishioners. New pews and the tabernacle were obtained from the former Canadian Forces Air Base chapel in Summerside. Today, the building is well maintained and is associated with St. Anthony's Parish in Bloomfield.
Also on our travel we went by this relatively recently abandoned home - the home of Horace Adams MacNevin. Horace was a bachelor and the last surviving son of Alan and Lulu (Adams) MacNevin. He died on January 1, 2013 at the age of 89. The old farmstead is located on the corner of Rte. 15 and the Beaton Road.
Parish of Port Hill celebrated 175th Anniversary
Last evening friends were telling me about the wonderful service they attended last Sunday at the Old St. Jame's Anglican Church, Port Hill. Here's the story in the West Prince Graphic this week.
Above: Photo by C.W.Jeffery, Nov. 2099
Parish of Port Hill celebrates Milestone
Wednesday, July 27, 2016 5:00 am
Through song, prayer and worship members of the Anglican Parish of Port Hill came together to celebrate the parish's 175th anniversary.
The hour and half combined service held on July 24 at the Old St James Church in Port Hill meant no pew was empty in the small church.
“We are celebrating the parish and all its people down through the generations who have made this parish what it is and brought their hearts, love, compression, fun and laughter and shedding tears in time of death and mourning. It’s all those things that have come and strengthen it,” said Reverend Ann Bush, who has been leading the parish for the last four years.
The parish is made up of three churches. While Old St James was built in 1841, known then as the Old Shipbuilders Church, and the cemetery at the church being in use at least since the 1851, the perish built the New St James Church directly across the road from the former in 1885 and now serves as the main church in the area.
In 1851, a small church was built at Foxley River just behind where the present day St Peter’s Church was later constructed in 1914. Then after 10 years of planning and construction, St John’s Church in Ellerslie was built in 1899.
“In this day and age where everything is instant and transiency … to think of something that’s lasted this long simply because of people’s willingness to serve and care, that’s why I think it’s important and that’s what it means to me,” said Rev Bush about the parish and its milestone.
When concerns grew in the early 2000’s about the safety of the original church and the parish not in a financial position to do the necessary repairs, Old St James was deconsecrated as a sacred building in order to access government grants.
Old St James Church is now run as a heritage and genealogy centre, but Rev Bush said she tries to have at least one service a year at the church.
“People appreciate just being able to come into this church and still sing to the glory of God and feel they are sharing divine worship,” said Rev Bush.
Among those attending the service was Marnie Noye, who has a special connection to Old St James.
Ms Noye was born and raised in the house next door to the church and its cemetery.
Ms Noye told the congregation when she got up with her husband Harold to play some music for everyone how she remembered the doors to the church were never locked and as a child she used to play in the building.
“We were very dedicated members. We never miss going to church. That was just a given on Sunday morning,” said Ms Noye about her family later on, adding she only knew the old church as the place where she attended Sunday school.
Ms Noye said the anniversary service was special.
“Both the old and new St James are very dear to my heart,” she said.
During her reflection to her parishioners, Rev Bush expressed that churches are more than just their wooden structures.
“Often there is a lot of worry and concern in fundraising to keep buildings maintained and we have to remember those things will rot away, but God wants us to put most of our efforts and attention building up our lives and lives of other people and the spirit will of course go on for eternity… We are the church,” explained Rev Bush after the service.
After the service was concluded, a lunch was held outside in front of the rectory located next to the New St James Church.
1853 Panmure Island Lighthouse
This article appeared on the CBC PEI website yesterday...
Panmure Lighthouse group needs more volunteers
Open house being held to attract more muscle and brain for lighthouse reno
CBC News / November 4, 2015
The Panmure Island Lighthouse Association is trying to drum up more support to help with renovations, and to keep the lighthouse going. The group is holding an open house next week in Montague, trying to turn more of their plans into action. Regally placed at the end of the beach, it's one of the most photographed lighthouses in the Maritimes.
Jackie Brown of the Panmure Island Lighthouse Association calls
the causeway one of the most beautiful views in P.E.I. (CBC)
"The Panmure causeway is one of the most beautiful views in P.E.I.," said Jackie Brown, president of the lighthouse association. "When you drive over the causeway to Panmure Island and you see the lighthouse... I would hate to think what would happen if that lighthouse...if that wasn't there. It would be very sad."
Lighthouses decommissioned
That almost happened four years ago, when the federal government decommissioned 40 P.E.I. lighthouses. The Panmure association was formed to save it, and will soon take over ownership. Now the real challenge begins, making the much-needed renovations with just an $80,000 federal grant. The first level will be the gift shop. Before the snow falls, the floors, walls and ceiling will all come down to reveal the original wood underneath. That's to show everyone the oldest wooden lighthouse on P.E.I., built in 1853. Next summer, they'll tackle the exterior painting. "We're very anxious to see the lighthouse painted," said Glenna Campbell-Peardon, a volunteer. "That's going to be my first big celebration, when we see this all nice and white again with the red trim. It's going to be beautiful."
The second floor will become a museum, showcasing artifacts and historic information about the building, and its keepers. "We find that people that visit this lighthouse are fascinated with the history of the lighthouse, how it came about, and the fact that it's 162 years old," said Roger Gallant, another volunteer with the lighthouse association.
Brain and muscle needed
So far, about 100 people have joined the association, donating $10 a year in support.
But only a small number of them have been doing the hands-on work, and coming up with an action plan. That's why the call for more help, especially from graphic designers, history buffs, ane young people with fresh ideas. The open house will be held on Thursday, Nov. 12 at the CBDC Building, 540 Main St. in Montague.
New Dominion Church becomes a home
I've been waiting to hear the fate of the former New Dominion United Church since it went up for sale a year ago. Last week the Journal Pioneer featured a front page story telling of its new purpose. The church was moved a short distance away and will be used as a family home.
Below is the article along with submitted photo - further down are two photos I took a few days ago.
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Divine intervention turns PEI church into home for family of 12
Maureen Coulter / Published Journal-Pioneer on August 25, 2016
The Able family will have a new place to call home by the end of this year as they are renovating the New Dominion United Church into a livable space. The 161-year-old church will be staying in the community as the family purchased three acres of land across the field from the old location.
Through a chance encounter at Gass's store, New Dominion United Church will soon be new home for Able family
As soon as Effie Able walked into the New Dominion United Church, she knew she was going to live there.
“I walked into the foyer and I said, ‘this is it, this is home’.”
Her intuition has proven to be bang-on, thanks to running into the right person at the right time.
New Dominion United Church, built in 1855, was put on the real estate market after three congregations in the area merged to form West River United Church in Cornwall.
Effie and her husband, Justin Able, decided to move back to P.E.I. in 2013 after living in Florida for a year where Justin was a pastor. Their kids were unhappy and missed their extended family and second family at Grace Christian School.
“They wanted to move back,” said Effie, as she gazes up at what will be her new home. “They like the wholesomeness of P.E.I.”
Effie and Justin were looking for a cost-effective home to accommodate their 10 children, who range in age from 13 to six weeks old. They also wanted something unique with a good story behind it.
Their realtor, Jeff Newson, suggested taking a look at the New Dominion United Church, and Effie jumped at the idea.
However, the family came close to missing the opportunity to purchase the building. Effie calls it “fate” that they went back a second time to look at the church with their children. That same day, they also stopped by Gass's Country Store where they learned from a church committee member that there was going to be a meeting that very evening about tearing down the 161-year-old church.
“We went back to the church and called Jeff Newson right then and said, ‘Jeff, they are going to tear it down. You need to make a phone call. We are going to buy it’.”
The family was leaving that week to do missionary work in Italy and had they not gone out that day and had they not met that committee member, they would have missed out on their dream home.
They moved the church to three acres of land across the field from its old location, keeping it in the community. Approximately 60 people showed up on Aug. 10 to watch Moveall Structures move the church.
The family is doing minor renovations to make it livable, but for the most part, they plan on leaving things untouched.
The 65-foot ceiling sanctuary will become their living room. The upstairs balcony overlooking the sanctuary will be the kitchen (the church had already converted it into a kitchen several years ago).
In the middle of the tower will be a school room with a spiral staircase leading to the top of the tower where Effie and Justin’s bedroom will be.
The basement will be turned into a boys and girls dorm with a recreational room in between.
“Our kids like to be together. They’ve always shared bedrooms. We actually tried to separate them but they all want to sleep in the same room anyway.”
Effie said they look forward to having lots of space and plan to have a little farm consisting of vegetables, chickens and a goat.
“I don’t know anything about farming so I’m hoping some Islander will have pity on me,” she laughs.
The Able family anticipates the renovations will be completed by the end of 2016.
“I hope to have it done so people in the community can come see it at Christmas,” said Effie.
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Evolution of the Acadian Home - Georges Arsenault
Last Thursday evening I attended a very interesting talk by Georges Arsenault at the Farmer's Bank Museum in Rustico. The following is the promotional write-up for the talk...
"a lecture by historian Georges Arsenault, entitled “The Evolution of Acadian Homes”, will take place on Thursday, Sept. 8, at 7:30 p.m. Arsenault’s illustrated talk will deal with the evolution of Acadian homes in Prince Edward Island over the 18th and 19th century, from the pioneer log homes to the beautiful residences of prominent Acadians. He will present numerous photos of houses from various Acadian regions of the Island and also, in some cases, photos of the people who inhabited them. Arsenault, who has written many books on Acadian history and folklore, has received many awards over the years. On Canada Day this year, it was announced that he had been named a member of the Order of Canada. Gov.-Gen. David Johnston cited Arsenault in a news conference for his “contributions to the research, conservation and promotion of Prince Edward Island’s Acadian history, culture and traditions”.
It was interesting to learn of a particular architectural style of expanding a home common to the Evangeline Region of the Island. When a home owner decided to expand/ modernize his home, the house was lengthen (possibly by 12' or more), the roof pitch raised to be steeper and a steep-roofed centre gable added. One such example was that of Cajetan Arsenault's home in St. Chrysostome.
"a lecture by historian Georges Arsenault, entitled “The Evolution of Acadian Homes”, will take place on Thursday, Sept. 8, at 7:30 p.m. Arsenault’s illustrated talk will deal with the evolution of Acadian homes in Prince Edward Island over the 18th and 19th century, from the pioneer log homes to the beautiful residences of prominent Acadians. He will present numerous photos of houses from various Acadian regions of the Island and also, in some cases, photos of the people who inhabited them. Arsenault, who has written many books on Acadian history and folklore, has received many awards over the years. On Canada Day this year, it was announced that he had been named a member of the Order of Canada. Gov.-Gen. David Johnston cited Arsenault in a news conference for his “contributions to the research, conservation and promotion of Prince Edward Island’s Acadian history, culture and traditions”.
It was interesting to learn of a particular architectural style of expanding a home common to the Evangeline Region of the Island. When a home owner decided to expand/ modernize his home, the house was lengthen (possibly by 12' or more), the roof pitch raised to be steeper and a steep-roofed centre gable added. One such example was that of Cajetan Arsenault's home in St. Chrysostome.
Cajetan Arsenault House, St. Chrysostome, built between 1834-1838.
This would be one such home expanded as illustrated above.
Photo by Carter Jeffery July 20, 2009
See also this article in this blog...
W.H. Weeks - Well known American Architect born on P.E.I.
Pleasant Valley Memorial Church celebrates 30th anniversary
On Sunday, September 11, 2016 the Pleasant Valley Memorial Church (formerly Pleasant Valley Methodist Church 1876-1925 / Pleasant Valley United Church 1925-1986 ) celebrated it's 30th anniversary of being a memorial church.
Pleasant Valley United Church was closed in 1986 to amalgamate the Breadalbane Pastoral Charge into one newly expanded church in Breadalbane. Two churches were closed Rose Valley United Church (now used as a summer home) and the Pleasant Valley United Church (at the time had 60+ children in Sunday School).
The following article appeared in the Guardian Newspaper on Sat., September 10, 2016.
The congregation was devastated in 1986 when the United Church decided to amalgamate churches in the Breadalbane/Cavendish pastoral charge.
It meant closing churches in Rose Valley and Pleasant Valley to focus on the creation of a modernized Central Trinity Church in Breadalbane.
Not to be sidestepped by decisions on high, a local group led by Dorothy Smith went to the United Church board and asked for permission to continue caring for the Pleasant Valley property.
After some struggle with dis-belief, the group proved it could raise money for maintenance by contacting family of former members of the congregation, mostly living away, and raised enough to meet requirements set out by the United Church administration.
Years later, the Pleasant Valley group received a massive donation from a family estate in the U.S. to help with restoration work."
Pleasant Valley United Church was closed in 1986 to amalgamate the Breadalbane Pastoral Charge into one newly expanded church in Breadalbane. Two churches were closed Rose Valley United Church (now used as a summer home) and the Pleasant Valley United Church (at the time had 60+ children in Sunday School).
Church holds celebration marking 30 years being closed
"A shining white church along the busy Route 2 highway, complete with flowerbeds, is holding a celebration this weekend to mark 30 years of being closed. It will take place this Sunday at the church, starting at 2:30pm. There will be music from a harp and small-pipes ensemble, plus a talk about the church's history and future.The congregation was devastated in 1986 when the United Church decided to amalgamate churches in the Breadalbane/Cavendish pastoral charge.
It meant closing churches in Rose Valley and Pleasant Valley to focus on the creation of a modernized Central Trinity Church in Breadalbane.
Not to be sidestepped by decisions on high, a local group led by Dorothy Smith went to the United Church board and asked for permission to continue caring for the Pleasant Valley property.
After some struggle with dis-belief, the group proved it could raise money for maintenance by contacting family of former members of the congregation, mostly living away, and raised enough to meet requirements set out by the United Church administration.
Years later, the Pleasant Valley group received a massive donation from a family estate in the U.S. to help with restoration work."
Local Histories - a treasure trove of Architecture
Thanks to my brother Kerras for always keeping an eye out for publications on Prince Edward Island history. Here's two he recently picked up for me - these books are hard to find!
I'm an avid collector of these local history books. Many were published in 1967 and 1973 celebrating the centenary of Canadian Confederation and Prince Edward Island joining Confederation. Many community organizations, mostly the Women's Institute, compiled their history complete with photographs. I collect these books mostly to see the architecture in the buildings - many which have been torn down especially schools, churches, mills, etc. (the buildings featured on the covers of these books are all gone).
I'm an avid collector of these local history books. Many were published in 1967 and 1973 celebrating the centenary of Canadian Confederation and Prince Edward Island joining Confederation. Many community organizations, mostly the Women's Institute, compiled their history complete with photographs. I collect these books mostly to see the architecture in the buildings - many which have been torn down especially schools, churches, mills, etc. (the buildings featured on the covers of these books are all gone).
St. Mark's Anglican Church, Rustico - pending demolition
I could hardly believe what I was reading on the front page of the Northern Star today - St. Mark's Anglican Church on the Church Road in Rustico (South) was de-consecrated on October 16th and will be demolished! Not another Island Church!!!! This church is for 175 years, built in 1841 - amoung the oldest collection of churches left on the Island - few date back to the 1840's.
Here's a photo I took of St. Mark's Anglican Church taken on April 27, 2006
Here's the front page of Northern Star November 2016 issue.
Below is the text about the article.
A historic landmark in the community of Rustico is no more. During an emotional ceremony held at the church on October 16th, 2016, St. Mark's Anglican Church was de-consecrated by Bishop Ron Cutler, Bishop of the Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. The congregation, which has been steadily declining in recent years, will now amalgamate with the congregation of St. John's Anglican Church in Milton.
St. Mark's Anglican Church was established in 1841. Since that time parishioners have cared for, expanded and maintained their place of worship. As the years passed, fewer and fewer families filled the pews during services. Now, 175 years later, the church has closed its doors for the final time.
"It is a sad day," admitted parishioner Joan Dalziel following the service. "Our congregation has been declining over the past number of years and now we are at a point where there are only five to ten families supporting the church. And, with the church needing repairs, there just weren't enough parishioners to bear the burden of that cost."
While talk of closing had been going on for many months, the final decision to close St. Mark's Church was made at the congregation's annual meeting held in February of 2016. It was noted at that time the church was in real need of repair and that the financial burden for those repairs was too great for those parishioners who remained.
"Even if we did manage to come up with the money to make the necessary repairs, there aren't enough young families left to take it over," said Dalziel. "We, as a congregation, decided to close our church before we were forced to. It was a hard decision that was a year in the making. But in the end, there was no push back and the decision to close was made by everyone. It was just the right time for this closure to happen."
The little church on the Church Road in Rustico was packed when Bishop Cutler performed the de-consecration service. Amid the songs and readings, some of the elders in attendance seemed to be holding back tears as they perhaps remembered those gone before them who had kept their church as a vital part of their community, many of them buried just outside in the small cemetery which surrounds the church. As the service concluded, parishioners were invited to remove some items of special significance which will be placed amoung the honoured items at St. John's Anglican Church in Milton. Among those items were banners, religious icons and a Bible that had been presented to St. Mark's by the Colonial Church Society of England in 1841. A stained glass window will be also removed and is hoped to be re-installed at St. John's. Some of the other hallowed items will be going to a church in Ontario.
"It's very gratifying to us to see that these special pieces of our church will live on, even if the church itself will not."
Over the days following the de-consecration of St. Mark's parishioners were invited to take any items they wished from the church. Following that a contractor had been given permission to remove all the woodwork for re-purposing. Then another contractor was hired to come in and tear down the building itself.
"Once the building is torn down and the land it stood on converted into a green space, our plan is to erect a monument to St. Mark's Church and to add benches for families who have loved ones buried here to come and spend time reflecting and remembering their family members who have been laid to rest here," said Dalziel. "We are left with many fond memories of our little church but we must and will move forward in a new relationship with St. John's."
Former Bishop McIntyre/MacFadyan/Cran House, Tignish - Destroyed by Fire!
OK- this is a bad day!!! One of Prince Edward Island's more historic homes was destroyed by fire last evening in Tignish!
My brother was in this house back in April of this year and took the following photos! He was back here a couple of weeks ago and bought an old table from the owners. I was awaiting permission from the owners to document and measure the house for archival purposes!
My brother was in this house back in April of this year and took the following photos! He was back here a couple of weeks ago and bought an old table from the owners. I was awaiting permission from the owners to document and measure the house for archival purposes!
Below is a painting I acquired last spring of Bishop McIntyre.
Below is a post made on Facebook a few hours ago by Architectural Historian Reg Porter.
In the 1960s my friend Elizabeth Cran and her children Alison and Anthony and I spent every summer in this huge house managing a long-term project in promoting community culture called the Tignish Arts Foundation. The house had quite a history, having once belonged to Bishop Peter McIntyre who used it for his home when he was parish priest of the area in the 1840-60 period. Later it was bought by a Protestant merchant, Alexander MacFadyen who worked for the Myrick commercial interests. He added on a very large piece on the right and turned the original Georgian house into the new Colonial Revival style. I loved that house and for many years dreamed of it being my home for life. But life had other plans for me. Elizabeth however, did live there for quite a few years. Last night, Rose just told me, vandals burned the house down as part of their vile Halloween celebrations. Now all that remains is a framed photo that has all my mature life hung on the wall of my study, wherever I lived. The photo fades but the memories glow.

St. Mark's Anglican Church, built in 1841 - gone!!
On this sunny Saturday morning I decided to go over to St. Mark's Anglican Church in Rustico to take a few last photos and maybe some measurements of the exterior before they tear it down. I was surprised to see it gone already! All that was left was a filled-in hole and a few wide hemlock boards and a hand-hewn beam. To think of the hard work that went into building it 175 years ago - there was no going to Kent or Home Depot for supplies - it all came with hard work and the skill of carpenters.
I meandered through the cemetery and took a few photos of some old stones.
Here's a few photos I've taken over the years of St. Mark's.
Old Barn, Long River