As I passed by St. Joachim's Roman Catholic Church and Hall the other day I quickly stopped and pulled around to take a few photos of the old Hall as it appears it is going to be demolished. A new Hall was built beside the church across the road a couple of years ago - the highway here is very busy and to have the hall across the road from the church just wasn't safe.
This old Hall was built in 1900 as a hall (often parishes used old churches as Halls when they were replaced).
The building features buttresses on each side and a unique gable window. Here's are photos taken on Feb. 6th.
Above/Below: North side of building. I assume the vinyl siding is hiding architectural style, ie. windows on this side of the building.
This old Hall was built in 1900 as a hall (often parishes used old churches as Halls when they were replaced).
The building features buttresses on each side and a unique gable window. Here's are photos taken on Feb. 6th.
Above: North side of hall, photo taken in church parking lot - the road is between us.
Above: Northeast side of Hall. Not the buttresses. The siding is being removed.Above/Below: North side of building. I assume the vinyl siding is hiding architectural style, ie. windows on this side of the building.
Below: Northwest view of Hall.
Above/Below: An amazing window.
Below: the boarded walls are exposed.
Below: Here's the Hall in relation to the Church.