STEWART HOUSE at Princetown. This fine stone house in Malpeque, which was originally called Princeton and was to have been the capital of Prince County, has over the door of the year “1820” “Charles A. Stewart.” This Mr. Stewart or his father was the second Chief Justice of Prince Edward Island and he lived there in Malpeque as it was expected to become a large commercial center. The house has a beautiful locality, situated overlooking Malpeque Bay. It is still in excellent condition. (P.E.I. Historical Society). OLD ISLAND LANDMARKS RECALL PIONEER TIMESThe picture shown above is one of a series taken by the late Mr. James E. Harris, of Charlottetown which will appear from time to time in The Guardian, illustrative of old Prince Edward Island landmarks. They are being published with notes prepared for the most part by Mr. Harris, through the courtesy of the P.E. Island Historical Society. Some years ago, Mr. Harris used the pictures to illustrate an address from which the following excerpts are taken. “Visitors come to P.E. Island, and we like to show the beauties of our lovely Island, but we need more than fine beaches, good bathing, good fishing and golf courses; these can be had elsewhere. Donald Maxwell in England, among many others, has created a great interest in the byways and the little forgetten villages, and we could very possibly build up interest and a trade for our artists in pictures and photographs of our little-known side roads and architecture of earlier days, whether house, church, old mills, or fishing ports."