I took these photos of this old homestead on the TransCanada Highway in Belfast yesterday. Meacham's1880 Atlas shows this property belonging to Robt McWilliams (50 Ac) & Chas. & Jas McWilliams (52 Ac) - today it appears these two parcels are one. The low roof pitch and style makes me think this is a mid-1800's house. The house appears to be on the Chas. & Jas McWilliams portion.
In Cummins 1928 Atlas it show's Jno. R. McWilliams with 110 Ac. It notes that John is an Ex-Road Master; married to Catherine, with the following children: Marion, Margaret, Bruce, Florence and John.
In Cummins 1928 Atlas it show's Jno. R. McWilliams with 110 Ac. It notes that John is an Ex-Road Master; married to Catherine, with the following children: Marion, Margaret, Bruce, Florence and John.