This old, long since demolished, building was in the news this week in a sad story about abuse during its days as the Mount Herbert Protestant Orphanage. I decided to make a link to this story and show the building referred to. The orphanage was established in 1907 and in 1922 moved to this new impressive brick structure on a large treed lots in the rural community of Mount Herbert, east of Stratford, near the Hillsborough River.
The orphanage closed in 1975 and demolished in 1998 to make way for a new Provincial Addictions Treatment Centre.
The Orphanage was designed and built in 1920-21 by well-known Charlottetown Architect Edward Stirling (Bone) Blanchard (1886-1953). See website for more information about him:
Below is an early image of the orphanage - both images here cf. the Guardian Newspaper article.The orphanage closed in 1975 and demolished in 1998 to make way for a new Provincial Addictions Treatment Centre.