I've always heard of the Gates Mill but never saw a photo of it - I just saw this on Facebook - amazing!!
Quotes from Facebook's Photos of Vintage Charlottetown -
"For TBT on a beautiful winter day, the Mayflower (aka Gates) Mill, West Royalty, on the Lower Malpeque Rd. Picture taken in the '50's by my father Rollie Taylor. Henry Sylvanious Gates, my 1st cousin, 3 times removed, through the Chappell line was the miller in 1881." - Dennis Taylor
"My father used to take me fishing there when I was a kid, now it's a subdivision and a highway." - E.B.
Quotes from Facebook's Photos of Vintage Charlottetown -
"For TBT on a beautiful winter day, the Mayflower (aka Gates) Mill, West Royalty, on the Lower Malpeque Rd. Picture taken in the '50's by my father Rollie Taylor. Henry Sylvanious Gates, my 1st cousin, 3 times removed, through the Chappell line was the miller in 1881." - Dennis Taylor
"My father used to take me fishing there when I was a kid, now it's a subdivision and a highway." - E.B.