See recent article in the Journal-Pioneer newspaper - Society now online
Eric McCarthy/ Published on January 15, 2014
As a well-known historian on Island lighthouses, Carol Livingstone has been called upon to help public school and university students come up with material for class projects.
As a well-known historian on Island lighthouses, Carol Livingstone has been called upon to help public school and university students come up with material for class projects.
Carol Livingstone, left, and Kilmeny Boates leaf through Livingstone’s large supply of lighthouse photos. They picked from that collection in selecting photos for the P.E.I. Lighthouse Society’s new website.
Livingstone’s resource service might soon be in less demand, but not because lighthouses have lost any of their lure. Now, much of the resource material is available online at the Prince Edward Island Lighthouse Society’s new website. Livingstone and KilmenyBoatesgot the site up and running just before Christmas.
The site is registered at four domain names, or .com and or .com. “It’s worth our investment to nail it down,” Livingstone said of the identity.
The site contains photos and information on 63 lighthouse and range light structures spread out along the Island’s 1,100 kilometers of jagged coastline. The close to 900 photos include interior and exterior photos of the structures as well as some shots of the local scenery and historical photos of lightkeepers who maintained the lights before electricity was installed. Prince Edward Island is believed to have the highest concentration of lighthouse structures of any province or state in North America. Approximately 35 of those structures are still listed as active aids to navigation.
Livingstone, a past president of the Lighthouse Society, provided most of the photos for the website from what Boates described as her “mountains and mountains of photos.” She’s been in them all and knows their history and unique features.
Boates first became involved in lighthouse research while working on an internship in 2010. “It fast became a passion,” she admits.
Descriptions and dimensions of the structures, their history, driving directions, special activities and events that occur on the sites and whether they are publicly or privately owned is some of the information provided.
Livingstone, the “Lighthouse Lady,” and Boates will continually add information and photos and are interested in hearing from anyone who has material to share.