The other day I came across this history brochure I picked up while at a service at St. Simon & St. Jude in the summer of 2002.
Also with the above brochure was another of the 129th organ built by Louis Mitchell of Montreal built in 1882.
Below is a photo of St. Simon & St. Jude taken by Henry Cundall of Charlottetown in 1860 - a southwest view.
Below: my 2009 photo showing the northwest view of St. Simon & St. Jude.
Below my photos of the church east front, along with a view of the adjacent Parochial House.
Below: Photo from Parish Website. Interior restored in 2002 by Atlantic Cathedral Painters. The first time I was in the church for a service following the restoration I couldn't stop looking up at the gold stars on the ceiling - it's absolutely spectacular!
Below is a before and after from Altantic Cathedral Painters Facebook page of the painting of St. Simon & St. Jude ceiling.