I took the following photos of the old Weeks farmstead back in May of this year and now just posting them - it's still for sale.
Stephen and Ann (Large) Weeks established this farm on the Malpeque Road (Rte.2) in Fredericton in 1830. They first built a log hut down by the stream below the present house. Within a few years they built a better house a bit up the hill. Then another few years a bit larger house further more up the hill. Then they build a 1850's central fireplace style, post and beam house which sat across the driveway from the present large house - it was still on the property and used as an outbuilding as late as the early 2000's.
Stephen and Ann's son "John Weeks" took over the farm from them. He married Charlotte Howard. Meecham's 1880 Atlas of Prince Edward Island shows John Weeks owning 125 acres on this farm.
John and Charlotte's son "Heber Weeks" took over the farm next. He married Edith Brehaut. Cumin's 1928 Atlas of Prince Edward Island shows Heber still owning the original farm of 125 acres. The Atlas also notes that Heber and Edith with two children: Raymond and Boyd, later they had a sister Hazel. Heber built a new 2-storey house similar to the present house around 1900, however, within a decade they lost it to fire - they moved across the driveway to the old central chimney house till this present house was built.
The next to take over the farm was "Boyd Sheldon Weeks". He married twice with not much luck and had no children. Boyd died in early 2007.
The farm was sold to another branch /cousins of the Weeks Family - today they have it for sale.
I took the following three photos in the May 2007. Since these photos a young couple bought the house and started to fix it up.
Stephen and Ann (Large) Weeks established this farm on the Malpeque Road (Rte.2) in Fredericton in 1830. They first built a log hut down by the stream below the present house. Within a few years they built a better house a bit up the hill. Then another few years a bit larger house further more up the hill. Then they build a 1850's central fireplace style, post and beam house which sat across the driveway from the present large house - it was still on the property and used as an outbuilding as late as the early 2000's.
Stephen and Ann's son "John Weeks" took over the farm from them. He married Charlotte Howard. Meecham's 1880 Atlas of Prince Edward Island shows John Weeks owning 125 acres on this farm.
John and Charlotte's son "Heber Weeks" took over the farm next. He married Edith Brehaut. Cumin's 1928 Atlas of Prince Edward Island shows Heber still owning the original farm of 125 acres. The Atlas also notes that Heber and Edith with two children: Raymond and Boyd, later they had a sister Hazel. Heber built a new 2-storey house similar to the present house around 1900, however, within a decade they lost it to fire - they moved across the driveway to the old central chimney house till this present house was built.
The next to take over the farm was "Boyd Sheldon Weeks". He married twice with not much luck and had no children. Boyd died in early 2007.
The farm was sold to another branch /cousins of the Weeks Family - today they have it for sale.
I took the following three photos in the May 2007. Since these photos a young couple bought the house and started to fix it up.